A thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress.
Lately I been feeling run down and depressed. It seems like I'm running into obstacles that never seem to set me in the clear.
Tired of driving on bumpy road of pot holes.
Just seems like with every aspect of my life(daily struggles, finances,work, health, friends etc) I'm either being let down or mainly I'm letting myself down. I'm losing the battle of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
I'm not one to throw in the towel, I don't like giving up but I'm struggling with myself .
I miss being happy, I miss the old ME....who thinks positive and has faith.
- I used to be thinner -(I'm trying to get fit & healthy) I gained some weight post menopause.(My main depression)
- Dealing with injuries that makes it hard for me to exercise efficiently. (ex:Running)
- I'm so self conscious about how I look & have no self esteem.
- No matter how hard I work and succeed with achieving on job performance and prove myself at work it goes unnoticed. ( I'm struggling with this one daily-causes me stress.)
- I'm always the one who has to initiate a phone call to friends otherwise not sure if I would hear from them. (Sad at times)
- Health issues: Hormones-Anxiety-Thyroid etc....
- Worry-ism: My son being over seas, $, job security etc ...
- Household-Keeping up with Laundry, dusting,organizing etc (I'm overwhelmed)
*Bonus: My husband helps out alot around the house, He loves doing dishes and vacuum and mopping the floors(very grateful for that) and he is always there for me to talk to about all these things!
(especially when I'm down & depressed he succeeds most of the time in cheering me up!)
(especially when I'm down & depressed he succeeds most of the time in cheering me up!)
Well I think I just spill the beans ...All my Negative thoughts .....
When things get rough I always seem to come up with a Plan B.
I'm always trying to figure out how to get through the obstacles. (Stressful)
Top Ten Tips To Overcome
Obstacles to Success
1. Troubleshoot and diagnose the root cause
The quickest way to solve any problem is to find its root cause. What is at the very source of the issue? It usually takes some time to determine this. However, the time is well spent because once you know the root cause, then you can address it and move on. With people, they often oppose you out of fear. You need to determine exactly what it is about the action you are taking that makes them afraid and address it with them. Here’s a hint, it usually isn’t the first thing they tell you.2. Listen to your gut instinct.
I can’t count the times that I solved problems by simply following my gut. For me, This is the nagging little idea in the back of my head that doesn’t really seem logical, but ends up being the solution anyway. In almost every case, I try to dismiss it by reasoning that it couldn’t possibly be the right thing to try. However, once I give in, I find that it leads me exactly to the solution I desired. Listen to your gut. It often knows what to do.3. Research the problem online.
Generally, if you are having a problem, someone else has already encountered it and solved it. Don’t reinvent the wheel, just find out what they did and try it in your situation. This is one of the fabulous things about the Internet. It is a huge archive of ideas for solving almost any imaginable problem. I love using Google to help find solutions to all kinds of issues.4. Recruit the assistance of others.
Get your friends, family, and co-workers involved to help think of ways to overcome the obstacle. Remember, two heads are better than one. Often, these people will have a different perspective on the situation that will lead to an immediate breakthrough. Also, they can serve as champions or cheerleaders to help move you past the present obstacle.5. Hire an expert.
Sometimes you need to call in the big guns. If the problem is in an area that is outside your expertise and it is particularly nasty, then you should probably bring in an expert. Make sure your expert has solved similar dilemmas in the past. Ask for references and call them to confirm the situation was similar and that the resolution was complete. Document the obstacle in writing along with the exact outcome that you expect. You and the expert should both sign this agreement before any work is done.6. Change your attitude toward the situation.
Sometimes we are the problem. Evaluate your attitudes and see if a change in the way you are looking at the situation might help to overcome the obstacle. This is especially useful in situations where the obstacle is another person. You might need to change your attitude toward this person in order to get their cooperation. It is going to take some maturity, but the results are often astonishing.7. Use trial and error.
When all else fails or when your situation is unique, you may need to experiment. Obviously, this isn’t the most efficient way to overcome an obstacle, but it may be your only option. Be as scientific in your approach as possible. Go slow and evaluate each of your trial solutions as carefully as possible. Sometimes it takes a combination of solutions to achieve the best results.8. Sleep on it.
I have had numerous stubborn problems where I spent hours trying to solve it with no success. Then I gave up, went to bed, and awoke the next morning with a new idea that fixed the situation almost immediately. Sometimes we just need to give our brains some time to rest and work on the issue. It is often hard to walk away, but sometimes this is the best thing to do.9. Never give up.
Don’t quit! I am reminded of the quote from Vince Lombardi, “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” This is so true! You may have to back up, turn around, or take a completely different approach, but you can never stop trying to get past the present roadblock. Perseverance is what will lead to success. I refer to people that attack problems with this level of tenacity as bulldogs. They persist until they find a solution no matter what odds are against them. This is the only way to success!10. Start over.
When all else fails, start over at the beginning. Maybe one of your foundational assumptions about the obstacle is wrong. Re-evaluate everything. If you are having this much trouble, then it is likely that you haven’t identified the root cause or you haven’t framed the issue correctly. Make sure you understand the problem clearly and completely to get it resolved quickly.Overcoming obstacles is critical to success.
Almost every goal you pursue will have its obstacles. If you want to
succeed, you must master the art of problem-solving. These tips will send
you in the right direction. Move past the hurdles quickly to cross the
finish line to victory!
I really need to work on this !
Yesterday I ran around the High School track thinking to myself
I will never make a full lap.
I will never make a full lap.
(Me thinking negative again)
I'm having trouble in Boot Camp fitness class with running
due to my injury to my foot and prior knee surgeries.
It is very frustrating, however I'm not giving up!
Seminole High School - Where my son graduated in 2004.
Every twist & turn
I'm thinking about all my
troubles and issues
as my shins are on fire !
I was able to compromise and walk & run 2 laps.
(Not sure if I'll be able to progress)
The unsure moments !
Tonight I went to boot camp which I decided not to run and I was ok with that, I can't beat myself up, I was able to do all the tiring core exercises and arm curls & raises,push ups etc so I still got a good 30 minute work out and I have to tell myself that it is going to take time to see the results.
I got home and did some laps in the pool and hung out with my Bunny pal.
(Renee, if your reading this I posted this for you since we were talking about my evening bunny visitor on our phone conversation the other night)
Dinner time
Live footage, He knows I'm watching!
Yankee Candle- Conceal(A must have for Night swimming)
Mosquito-Blocking Tea Lights (box of 12)
4 to 6 Hours of Fragrance Each
The mosquito-blocking candle with a garden-fresh scent! A lovely blend
of sweet geraniums, wild rosemary, and fresh mint with hints of cedar
and vanilla. Great for decks, yards, gardens and around pools and
patios. And, Conceal® is DEET Free!
My new toy :UFO Lights for the pool !
Nice moon light!
I will try harder on thinking positive and stop worring
so much hopefully things get better in time !
I should sleep well tonight!