at the park.
I thought it was a rock moving across the trail....
Then I realized it was a baby turtle ....

We took him
home because we didn’t want anything to happen to him in the wilderness, We
wasn’t sure if he would make it all by his lonesome so on the way home we stopped at
PetSmart and bought an aquarium & everything for this lil turtle to feel
& safe!!!

The poor
thing did not eat for the first 3 days & we were really worried so off we went to
the Reptile store.
Pinellas County Reptiles
Pinellas County Reptiles
The owner of
store told us that our lil turtle ....
first of all is a Stinkpot turtle –(we
thought it was a Snapper turtle –that is why we named him that so we stuck with
it anyways) he then asked us where we found him and we told him where and he said
he was most likely a few hours old –just hatched and a bird picked him up for
dinner & dropped him .
These turtles are very hard to come by at the
park- they are an aquatic turtle and we found him on land …

He is our
MIRACLE turtle !!!
We saved him

The store
owner said he probably would of never lived…
He also
informed us that he is just a baby and it will take him awhile to start eating.
He is not even as big as a quarter in size.
These turtle do not bask often they love to
hide and climb !!!!
So he recommended
a few things we needed ,
UV light
& filter and Bloodworms !!!
My husband
ofcourse proud turtle parent that he is filmed his first meal …lol

We were
soooo happy !!!
After all
said & done …
Nothing but
the best for this lil guy !!!
Our free
turtle costed us over $100

We call his
home …
The Clark Oasis
Enjoy a few
pic of our Baby Stinkpot Turtle ...
He loves his new home !!!!

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